More Opportunities to Serve
Volunteers are responsible for coordinating the fellowship and snacks in the Parish Hall immediately following the Sunday service. The ministry members set up the coffee, provide refreshments and clean up afterwards. Each group is made up of two parishioners and it alternates between the groups each week.
Order of the Daughters of the King - Esther Chapter
The Daughters of the King (DOK) is an order for lay women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church. A daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service and evangelism, dedicating herself to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom and to strengthening the spiritual life of the parish. One daughter meets with the priest on Sunday morning before the service to pray with him. Meetings are the 2nd second of each month at 4:30 p.m.
Prayer Ministry
The members of this ministry meet each Tuesday at the church at 4:00 p.m. to pray for requests submitted on prayer request cards, phone calls to the church, requests from the community, and personal knowledge of people in need of prayer are lifted up by this faithful group of intercessors.
Reunion Groups
The reunion groups are based on the Cursillo 4th day model. When an individual attends a Cursillo event, they are encouraged to join a group of other Christians who continuing to practice piety, study and action, and sharing with other members of the group. It’s a wonderful time of mutual encouragement and spiritual accountability. St. James does not limit attendance in these groups to people who have attended Cursillo. Anyone wanting to share their relationship with Jesus Christ is welcome.
The Vestry is the governing body of the parish presiding over the financial and organizational affairs. The Vestry consists of the Rector, six voting members (including a Senior and Junior Warden), a Treasurer and a Clerk are selected by the vestry but are not voting members. The Vestry meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at the church, and at other times as required by urgent church business. Each year two members rotate off and their replacements are elected by the parish. Elections are held at the annual meeting of the church in January/February. Any member of St. James who is in good standing and a giver of record for the past year, and also confirmed in the Episcopal Church is eligible to serve on the Vestry.