When should we arrive for Sunday services?
Plan to arrive 10 – 15 minutes before the start of Sunday services at 9:00 a.m. and park in one of the spaces at the front of the church. There is plenty of extra parking in the back as well. Allow one of our friendly greeters to help you find a seat. Please sign the guest book as you enter the sanctuary. Join us in the Parish Hall after the service for refreshments and give us an opportunity to welcome you and get acquainted!
Do you have activities for children?
Nursery services are provided for younger children.
What should I wear?
Dress comfortably for the season of the year. Most parishioners choose to wear casual clothes to Sunday worship services, all bible studies and other church events.
Who can provide more information about St. James?
Our current Rector, Nathan Webb, would welcome any inquiries.
How long does the service last?
The service is slightly over an hour.
Can I take Communion? How does it work?
All baptized Christians are welcome to take communion with us. Simply come forward with everyone else when the usher indicates your row. You may stand or kneel at the altar. If you decide NOT to receive Holy Communion, come to the altar, kneel or stand, cross your arms over your chest and the Celebrant will give you a blessing.
Is the church handicap accessible?
Yes, all areas of the church are easily accessible.